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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Hidden and Dangerous 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-11-28 13:12:42 Views : 25681 Item list: arisaka - Arisaka Meiji 38 arisakaopt - Arisaka Meiji 38 w/scope bar - BAR M1918 brengun - Bren Gun colt - Colt 1911 delisle - De Lisle Commando Carbine degtyarev - Degtyarev DP 1928 enfield - Enfield .38 knifesas - Fairbairn-Sykes Dagger backpackger - German Backpack knifeger - German Figting Knife backpackgb1 - Great Britain Backpack Style 1 backpackgb2 - Great Britain Backpack Style 2 backpackgb3 - Great Britain Backpack Style 3 k98 - Karabiner 98K k98opt - Karabiner 98K w/scope lee - Lee-Enfield MK 4 leeopt - Lee-Enfield MK 4 w/scope parabellum - Luger Parabellum P08 bazooka - M1 Bazooka garand - M1 Garand thompson - M1 Thompson (Tommy Gun) mosin - Mosin-Nagant M1891/30 mp44 - MP 44 Assault Rifle mp40 - MP-40 Submachine gun panzerfaust - Panzerfaust 60 pps - PPS-1943 Submachine gun spagin - PPSh-41G Spagin backpackrus - Russian Backpack springfield - Springfield springfieldopt - Springfield w/scope stengun - Sten Gun Mk. 2 stengunsil - Sten Gun Mk. 2 w/Silencer grenadeger - Stielhangranate 39 taisho - Taisho 14 tokarev - Tokarev TT-33 grenade36 - Type 36 MK1 Grenade grenade69 - Type 69 MK1 Grenade grenadejap - Type 97 Grenade zb26 - ZB26 Light Machine Gun Cheatcodes: Type ~ to enter console and then enter one of the following codes: Code - Result: giveitem "item name" - Spawn indicated item (see the list below) happyammo 1 - Unlimited ammo (0 to turn it off) heal 1 - Heal self heal 4 - Heal entire team kill - Suicide anorexy - See through player model skin hydroshock 0 - Turn Off Your Team's Shots Kill Instantly hydroshock 1 - Your Team's Shots Kill Instantly Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Hidden and Dangerous 2 cheat codes.
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